Sunday, December 30, 2012

KAYO of Swagg Kamp "Real Rap": Music with a message

Right now, as 2012 is drawing to a slow and steady close, I am reflecting on the "art" I have created and the dreams I have to succeed.  But, I know that I am not the only one.

Kayo of Swagg Kamp song "Real Rap" is a song about manning up and facing your adversities head on.  One of the things the world is missing from rap and hip hop in general is honest story telling.  Everybody has there own tale to tell.

In Real Rap, Kayo does not mince words.  Eloquently enough, he tells it like it is.  Probably another one of the best, I have heard coming out of Lake County, IL.  This is a lyricist that should not be slept on.

If you disagree or you want to shout out the group, leave your comments below. Listen and decide for yourself.  Is "real rap" making a comeback in 2013.  I know for me it is.

Happy New Year for Nogostreetbeat #2!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Purpose for 2013

My name is Jacqueline Nicole Harris.  I am a blogger, a fiction writer and a performance poet who is looking to branch out and improve on her own.  I am the creator of
and the author of Random Acts of Verse (  
The purpose of this blog NOGO STREET BEAT 2# is to actually the same as the original blog.  The idea is the same, the reason for the blog is the same.  The purpose of this blog is to give back to my community by featuring the best inside and outside of North Chicago, IL.  This blog will not only feature independent artists, but it will also feature interviews with local business owners, politicians and regular people who live and work in Lake County, IL.
There are a lot of naysayers talking where my community is concerned.  With this tool for exposure, I want to highlight the positive, motivators and game changers that will rise up in 2013.  Good things are happening and good things can happen in North Chicago, IL.
This blog will not be used to disparage or talk negatively about anything or anyone.  In the end, I want this blog to be a focal point for positive energy. This is not a gossip column.

This is not a place where one man or woman can shine.  This blog is for the city of North Chicago, IL and the surrounding communities.  We cannot swim and hold each other down at the same time.  We can only sink or swim together.

I have preached enough.  There is so much going on right now that I don't think put it all in one blog entry.  I just ask that the readers be patient and stay tuned.  Don't sleep on me.  I shall return.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



NICKY MAY's love for music has been a life long obsession. Hailing from Chicago, IL Nicky May feels he has a standard to live up to within his own music from the soulful, passionate, and poetic words of Common, to the creative and outspoken presence of Kanye West. " If you ask anyone thats experienced my music, who does Nicky May sound like? I guarantee they would have a hard time defining the ans...
wer." -Nicky May

Follow him on Twitter:  @NickyMayMusic
Free downloads of his music are available @

BLACKBIZZNESS: Support your local Artists!!!
It is a rare but welcome treat these days to hear a sound that is both classic and brand new.

I am an eighties and nineties baby.  When I was coming up, hip hop was an intelligence contest.  Verbal lyricists spit facts about history, life and community.  They told stories that a person could relate too, about life in our communities.  And for a while it felt good to hear it and be Black.

Continuing in that tradition is BlackBizzness.  Yes, the duo of Black Sun and ShowBiz are at it again kicking serious cerbral sound to the real serious hip hop heads.

Debuting on December 4, 2012,  their mixtape A Wonderful World is available for free download on and trust me, these brothers should be applauded and supported.  Not just because they are local and independent, but because there is quality in the music they are presenting to the public.  And that is a quality that is lacking in the mainstream music industry these days.

I'm not naming any names.  They have enough exposure.  But, hip hop artists like BlackBizzness should have more exposure and more fanfare over their hard work.  With no big time label behind them, and without selling out and looking stupid, ShowBiz and BlackSun have made real hip hop music. 

My favorite tracks are 16 No Go Love Story, 1 End of Story, 9 Taxi, 5 80s Dope, & 6  Living through me (Biggie Tribute).
Go to:
 Decide for yourself, and download this music for FREE.

Support real talent.  Support your local independent artists, Support BlackBizzness.

I'm out.